Issue Position: Federal Jobs and Economic Boost Act (The Duncan Plan or FJEBA)

Issue Position

The goal of creating new jobs and preserving the ones we have in this country is crucial to everyone. I will do this by developing ZONES OR GEOGRAPHIC AREAS throughout the nation. Within these zones industries and businesses will be encouraged to locate therein by giving them incentives such as tax breaks and reduced rent or land cost prices. However, in return they must hire our U.S. citizens at a good wage and provide health care coverage. Certain provisions of Obama care will be preserved to provide health care for the truly who need it. These areas will be targeted toward brownfield or distressed sites which are in need of rehabilitation. The corporations will benefit by the above stated cost savings. Such savings will allow the corporations to stop outsourcing their labor costs to Asian countries. This movement has recently been called reshoring. These corporations who participate in this deed for our Nation will be highly praised! These areas will be exhibited by a multiple amount of planning elements which will benefit our Nation; green areas, affordable housing; and in particular the emphasis will be on compact high density developments that eliminate the sprawl issues we have experienced in the last 50 plus years(air pollution and energy costs created by automobile commuting). Commercial areas and parks and schools will round out these areas which will provide beautiful, healthy, spacious, well-balanced and carefully developed districts. The U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Kelo v. New London has upheld the power of governments to implement economic development plans like these for the benefit of the public. These incentives to bring corporations to these zones will be financed by cost savings to the government which will accrue therefrom, for example, increased property tax evaluations will benefit the local schools; increased sales taxes will flow from the commerce activity which will accrue to these areas; increased income taxes will result from the increase in payrolls in the designated areas; also there will be a reduced dependence on the entitlement programs such as welfare; medicaid, medicare and section 8 as citizens will be given jobs so they can pay their own expenses rather then to continue devastating our federal debt. Jail and judicial system costs will be lowered because when people are working crime will be a less attractive option as they will have their own money. The social security problem will also be helped as more workers will be paying into the program.

AN EFFICIENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM will be constructed between these areas with the emphasis on high speed rail systems as I rode in Europe and in China. An improved freight rail system will be implemented. Within these areas efficient transit and bus systems will be built with the intent to reduce automobile dependence with its emissions problems. Finally, these areas cannot come to fruition unless there is an aggressive INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM that will solicit or market these areas.
